A Bamboo Sized Appetitie

Feeding time for Bamboo

As I re-publish this on the fifth day before Christmas 2024, I recall the sigh of relief that accompanied my morning cup of tea on the final day of Winter 2018 . Our Bamboo plants had just completed their first winter in Tasmania and all varieties bar one did extremely well. “Every plant that we put in the ground in November (2017), is looking fantastic, and those in pots, whilst looking a little ‘wintery’ have proven their tolerance of a few frosts and sustained cold winds. We have left all our plants exposed to the elements over the colder months with only some fabric windshield bordering the nursery. Though we knew the plants we imported were cold hardy, it’s nice to witness first hand, that our Bamboo is indeed, acclimatised to Tassie conditions.

So – it’s now time to reward them for their patience over the winter months, by giving them a good old feed. If you have purchased plants from us – we suggest you do exactly the same – they’ll reward you back.

Providing you have planted your Bamboo to our directions, they will do just fine without further nourishment BUT, if you would like them to achieve their potential, doesn’t it make sense to provide them with a little extra sustenance – aren’t YOU peckish when you wake from a good sleep?

SO…what’s on the menu?

Well, as Bamboo is a member of the grass family Poaceae, it makes perfect sense to treat your Bamboo as if it were your lawn because basically – it is grass on steroids. Therefore, lawn food is a good option but really, anything that promotes foliage will bring a big smile to the face of your Bamboo plants.

Because growth is rapid, bamboo should be fed prior to, and over summer. Spring is when the fast-growing, new shoots are preparing to emerge so giving them energy is a great idea.


A ratio of, N:10.P:6. K:6, applied as a slow release is a good mix for chemical based fertiliser but we always recommend Organic and believe it IS better than processed fertilizer. You’ll find that compost is a great option and bamboo will take as much as you can provide.

With chemical fertilisers – feed a handful per plant now and then again, in early December – DO NOT overdose your Bamboo plants on these.

Bamboo responds well to lawn food, particularly liking chicken manure.


So, our plants have safely negotiated their first Tassie winter and we believe that the new breed of ‘home grown’ Tasmanian Bamboo will benefit greatly from the ‘seasoning’ and toughening process.

We took a head start and fed our plants this week and although we’re not expecting twenty plus temperatures anytime soon, our plants will be coming to life before we know it and their ‘breakfast’ has been served.”

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