A Bamboo Sized Appetitie

Feeding time for Bamboo As I re-publish this on the fifth day before Christmas 2024, I recall the sigh of relief that accompanied my morning cup of tea on the final day of Winter 2018 . Our Bamboo plants had just completed their first winter in Tasmania and all varieties bar one did extremely well. […]

The Top Ten Reasons Why Bamboo can Save the Planet

I Have Shared This Article Before But Thought It Timely With COP28Having Just Wound Up: Today, almost everyone is aware that we are depleting the natural resources of our one home at a rate that is much beyond sustainable development. To some extent, we have grown weary of the alarming warnings and cautions about our wastefulness.

The Green Revolution: How Bamboo is Changing the Game

THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE IS BY AN UNNAMED USA RESIDENT. Bamboo is an amazingly versatile plant with many uses. Plants are found all over the world and are highly resistant to heat, drought, UV light, insects, pollution, and more. They are also durable and can withstand some of the world’s harshest climates. Bamboo is often used to make

The Times, They Are A Changin Re-published from 2018

Constructing with Bamboo – REALLY? Had you suggested to Ally or myself two years ago, that we’d be hosting a Constructing with Bamboo Timber workshop in New Norfolk, we may have called the men in white coats. It’s not something my generation (Baby Boomers) or their Western World predecessors would have considered even remotely possible,

Beyond Green: The Striking Aesthetics of Alphonse Karr Bamboo

Introduction to Bambusa multiplex Alphonse Karr Welcome to the world of Bambusa multiplex Alphonse Karr, a stunning and versatile bamboo variety that is sure to capture your attention and transform your landscape. In this blog, we will explore the various facets of this remarkable plant, from its care and maintenance to its use in landscaping, privacy screens,

Inspirational Bamboo Flooring Ideas

Only Five Odd Years Ago, Bamboo Flooring Was As Foreign To Me As Flying Into Outer Space. Well, Just Like Bill Shatner, I Now Know That Sometimes, Imagination Plus Determination = Reality. Completely by accident, Bamboo flooring and indeed Bamboo per se came to my attention as a result of stubbing my toe on a raised hardwood

How does bamboo grow?

Some of us have been fortunate enough to visit places like Asia, South America or Africa and marvelled at the sheer presence of giant Bamboos. That once established, those monster poles (culms) reach full height in just a couple of months is astounding. Here in Tasmania, we can only dream of such growth and are resigned to cultivating plants

Unlocking the Potential of Bamboo: Why It’s the Building Material of the Future

One of the reasons Bamboo Van Diemen began operations was the realisation that Bamboo, unlike timber, is a completely sustainable/renewable resource. However, it wasn’t evident to me then, that the round, hollow culms of Bamboo, could replace traditional building methods that rely on square/rectangular faced material. The following article may help you the reader, understand

Bamboo: How to make small changes in your life that make a big impact

Bamboo home décor has become increasingly popular over the past few years as an affordable, eye-catching conversation piece. With so many shapes, styles, and sizes to choose from small knick-knacks to king-sized bed frames, bamboo has seemingly turned the retail industry upside-down while simultaneously saving the planet. Bamboo is Right Around the Corner Bamboo is

Bamboo In Permaculture (Re-published from 2018)

Though completely dispassionate, for many years my only real impression of Tasmania and Tasmanians was the perpetuated ‘mainlander’ myth suggesting that the general populous comprised two headed tree huggers. When visiting Tassie for the first time only two and bit years ago and not to prove nor dispel those less than charitable, mischievous accusations, the

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